Tuesday, October 23, 2007

TCRS, Family Gathering and Doulos .

1) 18 October 07 dinner at The Chicken Rice Shop.

Boring of makan at home, that day we went out to "The chicken Rice Shop" for dinner with Oma, Tante Aju and Tante Dudan (Both my sisters). Sempat ambil gambar with my camera lagi. Hakim enjoy it so much and as well as Aishah.
Here some of the photos taken:

Hakim sit next to mama.

Aishah listening to mama. "Jangan main itu sudu, nanti orang marah".

Some of the food that we ordered that night.

2) 20 October 07 family gathering at my house.
We have a small family gathering last saturday, since it still Hari Raya month, I invited them to come to my house. Its nice to meet all my cousins, nieces and nephews in my house.

We met new relative from Ranau his name is Tristan. He like to play with Hakim and Aishah. He always say to me that he remember when he still small like Hakim, he is exactly like him. brownish hairs and eyes. I think he misses his mom. His mom had left them and back to England, long time ago. We call him "Gompurak"
(its a dusun word for white).

Hakim doesn't want to take a picture. He want to play.

mmm.this is not my abang ya!..

My sister and my mix Indian cousin.

Her brother and my sister

Our nephew and my sister.

I just realize I did not take a lot of picture that time..mmm..always forgot.

3) 21st October 07 visiting Doulos.

Here we come...Hakim so excited to go on board as he call it 'boat besar'. As we reach there around 1.45pm, there are so many cars looking for parking and it was so busy. luckily we get our parking even though we have to walk a few meters to the ship.

When we get to the ship, the line was not so long as we passed on the way home. We did not wait long, less then 5 minutes we were on board.

Some of the picture taken on board:

They keep on looking left and right, a lot of people. Couldn't make a better photo than this. People are just pass by.

One of the crew member, I said 'Goed middag" and she was so surprise..How did you know that? and then I said, I saw your name tag with the Netherlands flag. hehehehe.."fotoje maker met dudan".

Me, Oma and kids.

On the way back, people still waiting to go on board.

Bye..bye..we are going home.

Photoshop of course...


  1. Wah.. ensem juga abang si akim nie.. Bagus ko amik dia anak angkat neth.. Mesti dia rindu tu mama dia... Dui.. sian.

  2. salam

    1st of all..I like ur post this time coz ada my pic on it..hahaha...

    2ndly, siok gia tuh kamu makan di rch..byk menu dia kan..uhuhuh nyum nyum

    3rdly, ada dudan ckp kamu mo p doulos tuh..sia blm lg terpigi oh..
    tp byk org kan

    4thly, waaaaa ada tmasuk juga sejarah si kombura di web ko ah...uhuhuh...yg dudan sm kopop pun buli tahan hehe...

    5th, its a happy raya for all of us tis year coz dpt jumpa byk kali, jasmie wedding was fun, and dpt jmp hakeem n aishah alot,took pic together..hehe

    dun u think so?

  3. ya..syok kan..sekali sekala berjumpa satu keluarga.
