Friday, July 1, 2011

Gold Coast Part II

Talking about Gold Coast, your imagination will automatically imagine the theme parks or Surfing. Yes..Gold Coast is famous with his Theme Parks and the beach for Surfing. Well when we were there, we tried to visit all the Theme parks especially the Movie World and the Wet & Wild Water Park since we have the VIP passes. Second day of our holiday, we visited Movie World, Hakim was really looking forward to meet with his favorite hero, Batman while Aishah was really excited to try roller coaster ride for the first time in her life. Movie World is really a nice, they have a few attractions that we really like. Beside they have this Kid's WB Fun Zone, for toddler or children under 8 years old to enjoy. So many attractions for smaller kids like Aishah. The most exciting for children is the Road Runner Roller Coaster. For my son Hakim, he finally meet with   real batman and took a photo with him. Hakim was very proud taking photo with Batman and his car.
Aishah Don't even bother about Batman
Hakim Said "Papa, Can I have this car for my birthday?"